This screen provides access to the user interface customization of WiZiN-Desktop.
A. User settings
Theme : Select color among Black, Red, Green, Blue
Ringtone : Select incoming call ringtone.
By default 2 files ringIn01.wav and ringIn02.wav are provided. Other ringtones in PCM16 format can be added in the “$USER/m2msoft/WizinDesktop/data/sounds/ringIn” folder.
Son de message : Select message sound.
By default 2 files msgIn01.wav and msgIn02.wav are provided. Other sounds in PCM16 format can be added in “$USER/m2msoft/WizinDesktop/data/sounds/msgIn” folder.
Voice volume : Voice volume tunning.
Tones volume : Tones volume tunning.
Ringback tone : Ringback tone programming. Settings to be made according to the country with the syntax
“frq1, frq2, per1on, per1off, per2on, per2off” where:
frq1 : 1st frequency.
frq2 : 2nd frequency combined with the first one, set to 0 in case of single frequency.
per1on : Delay in ms of the active state of the 1st period.
per1off : Delay in ms of the idle state of the 1st period.
per2on : Delay in ms of the active state of the 2nd period..
per2off : Delay in ms of the idle state of the 2nd period.
Call-wait tone : Ringback tone programming (same as previous).
Tooltips : Enable/Disable tooltips (buttons and fields description when mouse cursor over).
Language : Language among
en : English
fr : French
B. Validation
Validate the modifications and return back to the Settings screen.