A. Switch Message/Phone
Message mode -> toggle phone mode
Phone mode -> toggle message mode.
Back to message sender from lists.
B. Message history
Open conversations list. A recipient can be selected from one of them.
C. Contacts
Open personal contacts and enterprise directory. A recipient can be selected from contacts.
D. WiZiN discovery
Open the scannig WiZiNs function allowing to transmi (directly without server) messages to other WiZiNs found in the same Wifi area.
E. Recipent editor
Manual edition of message recipients.
F. Recipients adding
Add recipient entered in edit field (E) to the (I) list.
G. Message text editor
On Android the virtual keyboard is displayed to allow text and emoticon entering.
On WiZiN-Desktop a supplementary button is available showing an emoticon selection bar to be inserted :
H. Message sending
The message can be transmitted only if :
- WiZiN is in registered state or in point to point mode,
- At least 1 recipient is in the (I) list,
- Message editor (G) not empty.
I. Recipients list
This list contains the primary recipient first and optionally additional recipients. The main recipient is the one who will hold the conversation in the history.
The recipients can be inserted by the manual editor (E + F), or from the lists (history, contacts, discovery).
It can be deleted by a short press on the item to be removed.
J. Missed call indicator
Flashing blue LED if at least one received call has been missed.
Pressing this key displays the call history.
K. Unread message indicator
Flashing red LED if at least one text or voice message has been received and not read.
Pressing this key opens the message history to view the relevant conversations or access to voice mails.
L. Cancellation
Clear edition area and recipients list.